

1) The person who used the carwash before you; and left the hose
draped across the spot where you want to park, so you have to
get out of the car; move the hose; then get back into the car, and
then drive onto the spot you wanted to drive onto in the first place.

2) People who constantly repeat themselves.

3) Drivers who do not indicate at a roundabout.

4) That woman whom you stand behind at a supermarket
checkout; who has only one item; then when it is her turn to
pay spends ten minutes rooting for her purse at the bottom of
her shopping basket.

5) Anyone who is younger than you calling you "young man".

6) People who constantly repeat themselves.

7) The person you are taking out for a drink; who has known
about it for weeks, it takes thirty minutes to drive to the pub,
you walk upto the bar and you say to them "what would you
like to drink" and they reply "I don't know".

8) People who constantly repeat themselves.

9) The owner of a restaurant who comes to your table and
says "is everything alright" every ten minutes. You don't
know because you spend more time saying "yes thank you"
than you do eating.

10) The shopkeeper; who rather than knock 1p off your bill;
gives you 99p change.

11) People who constantly repeat themselves.

12) The person who whistles or hums the same tune over and
over again.

13) People who are deaf AND WON'T ADMIT IT.

14) The person in your home who used the last sheet of toilet
paper and didn't replace the roll.

15) People who constantly repeat themselves.

16) The person at work who you say "hello" to; and who just
nods, or worse still gives a sickly little smile.

17) Your wife when she asks you to take her shopping; even
though you took her three years ago.

18) The person who asks you to do them a favour, but then
wants it doing when it suits them.

19) The elderly woman-driver of a Robin Reliant who overtook
you at 80mph on the M6.

20) People who constantly repeat themselves.

21) People who are indecisive, I think.

22) People who say "I saw TWO twins today".

23) People who say "what a lovely LITTLE baby".

24) The carpetfitter who left you with a quarter of an inch
to saw off the bottom of a door.

25) People who constantly repeat themselves.

26) Coffee jars that are longer than the spoon.

27) Pedestrians who walk diagonally across the road.

28) The last person who used the copying machine for 300
copies and didn't cancel the settings

29) Women who punctuate every sentence with a giggle.

30) People who constantly repeat themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Ah sure now, it seems I might have read this before - are you repeating yourself?

    How about the person who rushes to pull out of the street in front of your car and then slows down because they don't know where they are going?

