

I am the Chairman of the Totally Independent Tackers Society, known locally as the TITS. We meet the last Thursday of the month at The Anchor Inn next to the wharf on the canal. I run a two berth cruiser which is that old it's painted in sepia.
Membership has dramatically fallen over the last few years due to ill health, the odd drowning or two, the bottom falling out of the boating business, until there is just the three of us. Nanuke is The Secretary, he is an out of work igloo-thatcher, due to global warming eskimos now live in tents. He runs a kayak.Nemo is The Treasurer, he works as a wringer-outer for a one-armed window cleaner, he runs a rowing boat, which his boss once had a go in, but he just kept going round in circles.

Items for the agenda:

1. Indian barge owners, we call them Bhargees, are not to be allowed to use their crafts as take-aways.

2. A complaint from a member of the public about the size of fishermens tackle.

3. The annual outing of TITS.
Decided on by The Chairmans casting vote that it would be to the locks and back. Just three men in a boat(sounds like a good title for a book), The Chairman to plot the course, Nanuke to fetch a flask and sandwiches and The Treasurer to pay for the beer.

After the meeting we adjourn to the bar where we all share stories. Eskimo Rollers, Bhargees,cruisers, rowers.
We share a beer, sing songs, and tell jokes. We are all happy to share the water and the outdoors

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