

I've stood looking at it for hours, but it just stares impassively back at me.
I've tried walking up to it but I just break out in a cold sweat.

Once I thought of taking it by surprise by creeping up on it when it
was dark but it spotted me and I had to run.

I've had this phobia for years now; and it really depresses me; for I
think I'm the only person in the world who is afraid of it. I've sat
for hours on end talking my way through a course of actions to
conquer my fear without any success.

Day after day I go past it and see other people not afraid; I even
asked someone to come with me once but I shied away in terror
at the last minute. It's now got to the point when it fills my
thoughts all day long but if I am to keep my sanity I will have
to do it.

If I walk slowly up to it with my eyes closed and keep saying to
myself " I can do it " over and over again perhaps that will do it.

Today I am going to do it(I think).

Today I am going to get some money out of that hole in the wall.

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