

Why does he stare so much? Every time I see him he just stares at me, his eyes follow mine with uncanny precision. They are not pretty eyes, darkly circled and baggy and not really fully opened. And that hair! What a mess. It looks as if it hasn't been combed for days. He's losing his hair, but growing it everywhere else, those bushy eyebrows, hair sprouting out of his nose and ears and boy does he need a shave.

He has a small scar on his top lip just like I have, I tried to eat an open tin can when I was a kid. There's a pock mark on his forehead, we all have them. Chicken Pox!! A kids(and mothers) nightmare, hours of itching and shouts from your mother "don't scratch", and then the cooling relief of calamine lotion.

Thought he smiled then, nah, just a bit of wind.

Hang on! Think he's trying to send me a message, his eye is twitching like a sailors signalling lamp sending a message in Morse Code. It's stopped now, won't send him a reply.

He looks quite worried now, his forehead is furrowed like a ploughed field. He's turned his head to one side and is running his hand over his bristles.

Sod it, I'll shave in the morning.

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